Frankreich Medaille 1871 zum Todesurteil gegen Simon Mayer wegen zweier Morde durch Pariser Commune
Death Penalty against Simon Mayer for the Murder of 2 French Generals at the start of the Paris Commune 1871 Medal
Bronze medallion d. = 30 mm.
The Uprising of 18 March 1871 that started the Paris Commune (18 March to 28 May 1871) resulted in the killing of the French Generals Claude Lecomte and Jacques Leon Clément-Thomas, On 18 November 1871 Simon Charles Mayer received the death penalty by a court-martial commemorated on this medal. Later on, this judgement was commuted to forced labour, and then to deportation to New Caledonia.
Jacques Leonard Clement Thomas, General, 1809 Libourne - 1871 Paris, and Claude Martin Lecomte, General, 1817 Thionville - 1871 Paris, and Simon Charles Mayer, major of the Paris Commune, 1820 Nancy - 1887 Basel, Switzerland
Behelmte weibliche Büste von vorn mit 2 Z. im Sockel : "VIRTUTE ET PACE", Umschrift : "*** REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE ***"/ 4 Z. IM PERLKREIS : "REÇOIVENT LE PRIX DE LEUR LACHETÉ 18 NOVEMBRE 1871", Umschrift : "* LES ASSASSINS DES GÉNÉRAUX LECOMTE ET CLÉMENT THOMAS *". Marienburg -; Musée Carnavalet, Histoire de Paris ND 10692
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Start price:
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Start time:
13. Oct 2024 09:09:50
End time:
24. Nov 2024 19:05:43
European Coins before EUR > France > Other
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